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News from our group

December 30, 2024: Denisse and Ari's paper on transparent superconductivity is published
Denisse and Ari's paper on lithium intercalated indium tin oxide was published in Physical Review Materials! This paper reports a new liquid-based soft chemistry approach to intercalate lithium into thin films, producing a transparent superconductor. This manuscript was lead by postdoctoral fellow Ari Turkiewicz and included contributions from three undergraduate researchers: Denisse, Rain and Erika.

November 1, 2024: Qi and Johanna start new research groups!
Congratulations to former postdoctoral fellows Qi Song and Johanna Nordlander! Qi will begin as an assitant professor in the materials science department at UC Irvine in Spring 2025. Johanna recently launched her own group as an assistant professor in the department of physics at the University of Zurich. We look forward to the exciting research discoveries from both of these research groups!

September 20, 2024: Julia named a Moore Inventor Fellow
Julia was one of five recipients of the 2024 Moore Inventor Fellowship. This award will support our work in the construction of ultrathin films for piezoelectric oscillators as featured in the Harvard Gazette. Thank you to the Moore Foundation for this honor and support of our work!

September 10, 2024: Spencer's paper on flouride ion batteries is published
Spencer's paper on the flouride ion battery electrolytes was published in ACS Omega! Spencer and former undergraduate student Edwin synthesized thin films of BaBiF5 and characterized their properties for battery applications. This paper was in collaboration with Huolin Xin's group at UC Irvine.

September 1, 2024: Welcome Ashvini!
Ashvini Vallipuram has joined our group as a graduate researcher! Ashvini completed her undergraduate degree in physics at McGill University. Ashvini also did a research based Master's in Prof Louis Taillefer's group at Université de Sherbrooke where she measured the phonon thermal Hall effect of different electrical insulators. Ashvini is also a recipient of a FRQNT (Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et Technology) scholarship. Ashvini is currently a first-year in the physics department. Welcome Ashvini!

September 1, 2024: Welcome Megan!
Megan Goh has joined our group as a graduate researcher! Megan completed her B.A. in physics at Amherst College. As an undergraduate, she worked on the characterization of an organic single-molecule ferroelectric candidate in the group of Ren Wiscons. She also worked with the III-V Solar Cells group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to grow Germanium using Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy, and she spent summers doing research with Mikael Rechtsman at Penn State on topological photonics and David Hall at Amherst College on Bose-Einstein Condensates. Megan is currently a first-year in the applied physics department. Welcome Megan!

September 1, 2024: Welcome Maria!
Maria Bambrick-Santoyo has joined our group as a graduate researcher! Maria completed her B.S. in Applied Physics at Yale University. As an undergraduate, she synthesized rare-earth modified cuprate single crystals in the group of Yu He. Maria also worked with Judy Cha on device characteristics of intercalated 2D materials, and spent one summer with David Mitzi at Duke University working on thin-film halide perovskites. Maria is a first year graduate student at MIT. Welcome Maria!

August 1, 2024: Nicole named an ALS fellow!
Nicole was awarded a fellowship from the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory! This one-year fellowship will enable Nicole to travel to ALS and study advanced x-ray spectroscopy and scattering. Congratulations to Nicole and we look forward to all of your accomplishments in Berkeley!

July 24, 2024: Abby wins best student talk at the NAMBE meeting!
Abby was awarded the "Best Student Talk" prize at the annual North American MBE meeting. Abby's talk integrated MBE with soft chemistry to make new epitaxial nickelate materials. Congratulations Abby!

July 20, 2024: Spencer's paper on chromate thin films published
Spencer's paper on the Ruddlesden-Popper chromate materials was published in Physical Review Materials! Spencer and former undergraduate student Lerato synthesized the first thin films of the SrCrO3 based layered Ruddlesden-Popper materials and characterized their structural and electronic properties. The paper was selected for a special collection on "Magnetic Phenomena at Oxide Interfaces: Fundamentals to Devices".

June 1, 2024: Welcome Jenna!
Jenna Hatmin has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher through the Harvard College Research Program. Jenna is a rising junior concentrating in physics with a citation in German. Welcome Jenna!

May 25, 2024: Congratulations to Grace, Spencer, Larissa and Edvin!
Our group has the first PhD graduates! Grace completed her Ph.D. in physics and will begin a postdoctoral fellowship in the group of James Analytis at UC Berkeley this fall. Grace was the first graduate student to join the group and lead our efforts to discover a new family of layered nickelate superconductors. Spencer also completed his Ph.D. in Physics and will work as a fellow at the Department of Energy this fall. Spencer lead efforts to synthesis new magnetic materials and flouride ion battery materials. Larissa completed her Ph.D. in Applied Physics and will remain in the Mundy group as a postdoctoral fellow. Larissa was co-advised with Prof. Jenny Hoffman and lead efforts in the Mundy group to synthesis BaTiO3 materials for electro-optic applications. Edvin completed his A.B. in physics and computer science, working in close collaboration with Spencer to develop flouride materials. We congratulate this terrific group of graduates!

May 15, 2024: Temazulu is named an Ashford Fellow at Harvard!
Temazulu was named an Ashford Fellow by the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The Ashford Fellowship is given to incoming graduate students highly likely to make a substantial impact in their chosen field of study, as well as in society. Congratulations Tema!

February 23, 2024: Maggies's paper on pyrochlore thin films is published
Maggies's paper on the defect chemistry in titanite pyrochlores was published in Chemistry of Materials! Using a combination of thin film synthesis and atomic-resolution imaging, Maggie mapped out the atomic-scale defects in off-composition tinanite pyrochlores.

January 20, 2024: Welcome Lucy!
Lucy Nathwani has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher. Lucy is a rising junior studying physics with a secondary in classics. Welcome Lucy!

January 10, 2024: NSF CAREER Award
Julia was selected to receive a NSF CAREER award. Our project will pursue the epitaxial stabilization of non-perovskite quantum materials. Thank you very much to the NSF for their support of our work!

November 30, 2023: Tema wins poster prizes
Temazulu won the Corning Best Poster award at the National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP) in November 2023 and won second place at the Center for Nanoscale Systems Open House 2023. Congratulations Tema!

November 1, 2023: Denisse awarded the APS LeRoy Apker Award!
Undergraduate student Denisse Córdova Carrizales was awarded the 2023 LeRoy Apker Award from the American Physical Society. The LeRoy Apker Award recognizes outstanding achievements in physics by undergraduate students, and provides encouragement to students who have demonstrated great potential for future scientific accomplishment. Denisse was cited for "for the development of a new method to intercalate Li into thin films of indium tin oxide." Congratulations Denisse!

October 1, 2023: Welcome Bena!
Bena Fazlioglu-Yalcin has joined our group as a postdoctoral fellow. She completed her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering with Roman Engel-Herbert and Adri van Duin at Penn State University, where she mainly studied the hybrid MBE growth of BaTiO3 thin films on various substrates. Additionally, she conducted molecular dynamics ReaxFF simulations to elucidate the growth kinetics of hybrid and conventional MBE systems. In her role as a postdoctoral fellow, her focus will be on BaTiO3 thin films for optical device applications.

August 15, 2023: Welcome Abigail!
Abigail Jiang has joined our group as an NSF and Ford Graduate Fellow! Abby completed her B.S. in Materials Science and History at Caltech. As an undergraduate, Abby worked in the group of Joseph Falson on laser-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of chalcogenides. They also worked in the group of Kimberly See on solid-state electrolytes for next-generation divalent batteries. Abby is currently a first-year graduate student in applied physics. Welcome Abby!

July 1, 2023: Welcome Tema!
Tema has joined our research group as a Harvard Quantum Initiative Post Baccalaureate scholar. She recently graduated from Macalester College with a B.A in physics (honors) and political science. Welcome Tema!

June 1, 2023: Welcome Alejandro!
Alejandro Soledad has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher through the CNS REU program. Alejandro received his B.S. in Physics and Computer Science from the University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras. Welcome Alejandro!

June 1, 2023: Welcome Annie!
Annie Ruperto has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher through the PRISE program. Annie is a rising junior concentrating in physics with a secondary in the classics. Welcome Annie!

June 1, 2023: Welcome Yunseo!
Yunseo Choi has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher through the PRISE program. Yunseo is a rising junior concentrating in mathematics and physics. Welcome Yunseo!

May 25, 2023: Congratulations to Denisse and Troy!
Our group congratulates two exceptional graduating seniors! Denisse Cordova Carrizales completed her A.B. in physics and will be taking a gap year before beginning a PhD at MIT. Denisse was one of the first members to join the Mundy group in summer 2019. Her undergraduate research on Li-intercalcated ITO was recently submitted as a first author publication. Troy Powell completed his A.B. in Chemistry and Physics with a concurrent A.M. in Chemistry. For his master's research, Troy pursued solid phase epitaxy of pyrochlore materials and chemical modification of these thin films. Troy will be taking a gap year before starting medical school. We thank Troy and Denisse for their contributions and wish them the best!

May 11, 2023: Star-Friedman award
Our lab is honored to have received an award from the Star-Friedman Challenge for Promising Scientific Research. Together with Prof. Jarad Mason, we will pursue soft chemistry modifications of oxide thin films. We thank the Star and Friedman families for their support of our work!

April 1, 2023: Nicole is awarded a Ford Fellowship!
Nicole was awarded a 2023 Ford Fellowship, administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. This fellowship will support Nicole's research over the next three years. Congratulations to Nicole on this exceptional honor!

March 20, 2023: Dan's paper on strain engineering nickelates is published
Dan's paper on the strain engineering of layered nickelates was published in Nature Communications! Dan's work was in close collaboration with co-first author Dr. Berit Goodge from Lena Kourkoutis' group at Cornell University. Dan and Berit explored the competing requirements for the synthesis of oxidized Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates and the subsequent reduction to the square-planar form.

March 1, 2023: Farewell Johanna
Johanna concluded her work as postdoctoral fellow in our research group. She has begun a new position as a junior group leader at the Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics in Berlin. Johanna launched our group's research program on frustrated magnets and synthesized the first thin films of quantum spin liquid candidate TbInO3. We will miss Johanna and wish her the best in her new position!

January 30, 2023: Qi and Spencer's paper on electron-doped nickelates published
Qi and Spencer's paper on electron-doped nickelates was published in Nature Physics! Our manuscript reports the observation of a new antiferromagnetic metal phase in these materials. This manuscript combined MBE deposition with ARPES, resonant x-ray scattering, electron microscopy, transport measurements, neutron diffraction and theory.

January 1, 2023: Julia joins APS Physics Policy Committee
Julia was selected to join the American Physical Society Physics Policy Committee. This committee "addresses those science policy issues that affect the development of physics, the health of the institutions in which physics is practiced, the resources available to physics, and the balanced use of these resources for the nation's scientific and technological needs." Julia looks forward to contributing for the next 3 years.

November 22, 2022: Welcome Yoony!
Kyeong-Yoon Baek has joined our group as a graduate researcher! Yoony completed his B.S. as Summa Cum Laude in Physics and Philosophy at Seoul National University, South Korea, where he was a recipient of the Korea Presidential Science Scholarship. As an undergraduate, he worked on synthesis and structural/optical characterization of metal halide perovskites in the group of Professor Takhee Lee. Yoony is a KFAS fellow and is currently a first-year graduate student in the physics department. Welcome Yoony!

September 21, 2022: Johanna and Maggie's paper on hexagonal oxides published
Johanna and Maggie's paper on hexagonal ABO3 oxides was published in Applied Physics Reviews! We hope this manuscript is useful to others pursuing the thin film synthesis of this exciting class of materials. This manuscript also had contributions from Megan Holtz at the Colorado School of Mines.

September 1, 2022: Denisse's summer research profiled in the Gazette
Denisse's participation in the Harvard Quantum Initiative summer research fellowship was featured in the Harvard Gazette!

September 1, 2022: Welcome Amari!
Amari Butler has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher. Amari is a sophomore planning to concentrate in physics. Welcome Amari!

September 1, 2022: Welcome Edvin!
Edvin Tewolde Berhane has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher. Edvin is a junior concentrating in physics. Welcome Edvin!

September 1, 2022: Welcome Kane!
Kane Sjoberg has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher. Kane is a sophomore planning to concentrate in physics. Welcome Kane!

June 15, 2022: Welcome Chris!
Chris Rivers has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher through the PRISE program. Chris is a rising junior concentrating in physics and philosophy. Welcome Chris!

June 1, 2022: Welcome Rain!
Rain Wang has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher through the summer term Harvard College Research Program. Rain is a rising sophomore planning to concentrate in physics and statistics. Welcome Rain!

May 26, 2022: Congratulations to Jessica, Erika, Denise, Raymond and Lerato!
Our group congratulates a terrific group of graduating seniors! Jessica Dong completed her degree in physics and will be starting a PhD in materials science at MIT in the fall. Erika Ortega Ortiz earned an A.B. in chemistry and physics and will join the materials science department at UPenn for a PhD. Denise graduated with an A.B. in physics and will be working in LA. Raymond received an A.B. in physics and will be joining SpaceX following graduation. Lerato received an A.B. in physics and will enter the PhD program in applied physics at Stanford this fall. In addition to working with the group, Jessica, Erika, Denise and Raymond were all students in Julia's first course on classical mechanics in Spring 2019 and all five took Julia's course in solid state physics. It has been our pleasure to get to know this terrific group of students over the past four years and we wish them the very best with their next steps!

May 23, 2022: Welcome Lorena!
Lorena Britton has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher. Lorena just finished her first year at Harvard College and is concentrating in Bioengineering on the Chemical and Materials subtrack. Welcome Lorena!

May 16, 2022: Grace and Qi's paper on Ruddlesden-Popper nickelate thin films published
Grace and Qi's paper on the synthesis of Ruddlesden-Popper nickelate thin films was published in Physical Review Materials! This manuscript also had contributions from colleagues at Cornell, ASU and LBL.

April 15, 2022: Zubia named a Soros Fellow!
Zubia was named a 2022 Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow! The 2022 Class of Paul and Daisy Soros Fellows is made up of 30 outstanding immigrants and children of immigrants from all over the country and world who are pursuing graduate school here in the United States. Selected from more than 1,800 applicants, Zubia was chosen for her potential to make significant contributions to the United States. Zubia was also awarded an honorable mention in the 2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Zubia!

March 15, 2022: Grace's work profiled on GSAS website
Grace's work on nickelate superconductors was profiled on the GSAS website. Please have a look to read about Grace's recent discovery!

February 15, 2022: Sloan Fellowship
Julia was named a 2022 Sloan Fellow in Physics. "The Sloan Research Fellowships seek to stimulate fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise." Thank you very much to the Sloan Foundation for their support of our work!

February 1, 2022: Welcome Ari!
Ari Turkiewicz has joined our group as a postdoctoral fellow! Ari completed his PhD in Chemistry with Jeffrey Long at the University of California, Berkeley where he studied the structural and magnetic properties of atomically precise, two-dimensional nanoclusters. As a postdoc, he hopes to apply his chemistry background to modify the electromagnetic properties of thin film oxides. Welcome Ari!

January 30, 2022: Jessica wins best poster award at Fall MRS!
Jessica was awarded one of two Best Student Poster Presentation Awards in symposium EQ20 "Beyond Graphene 2D Materials - Synthesis, Properties and Device Applications" at the Fall MRS. Jessica's poster described her work on the "Preparation of Ge(111) Substrates for Bismuthene and Stanene". Congratulations Jessica!

November 30, 2021: Grace and Dan's paper on nickelate superconductivity published
Grace and Dan's paper on nickelate superconductivity was published in Nature Materials! Our manuscript reports on the observation of superconductivity at ~13K in Nd6Ni5O12. This manuscript also had contributions from Mundy group members Qi, Spencer, Denisse and Charles and included collaboration with colleagues at Harvard, Cornell, ASU and the PARADIM center.

September 1, 2021: Welcome Ana!
Ana Kimber has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher. Ana is currently a sophomore concentrating in chemistry and physics. Welcome Ana!

September 1, 2021: Welcome Denise!
Denise Navarro has joined our research group as an undergraduate researcher. Denise is currently a senior concentrating in physics. Welcome Denise!

September 1, 2021: Welcome Nicole!
Nicole Taylor has joined our group as graduate researcher! Nicole earned her M.S. in Chemistry and B.S. in Applied Physics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Nicole has performed a number of computational studies on materials. Recently she used adsorption desorption/ionization mass spectrometry to computationally visualize complex spectra from the ion chronograms of large complex samples. Nicole is currently a first-year graduate student in applied physics. Welcome Nicole!

September 1, 2021: Welcome Zubia!
Zubia Hasan has joined our group as a graduate researcher! Zubia completed her B.A. in physics at Johns Hopkins University. As an undergraduate, Zubia synthesized CuTeO4, a compound theorized to be a superconducting analogue in the laboratory of Tyrel McQueen. Zubia also worked with Betul Pamuk at Cornell University to use DFT to study new superconductors. Zubia is currently a first-year graduate student in the physics department. Welcome Zubia!

September 1, 2021: Welcome Elise!
EliseAnne Koskelo has joined our group as an NSF Graduate Fellow! Elise recently completed her M.Phil. in Physics at the University of Cambridge through the Churchill Scholarship where she studied frustrated magnetism in dense lanthanide oxides in Dr. Siân Dutton’s group. She holds a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics from Pomona College where she investigated stochastic resonance in thermal imaging systems with mentors Prof. Janice Hudgings and Dr. Amy Radunskaya. Elise is currently a first-year graduate student in the physics department. Welcome Elise!

May 28, 2021: DOE Early Career Award
Julia was selected to receive a DOE Early Career award. Our project will pursue the epitaxial stabilization of new superconductors. Thank you very much to the DOE for their support of our work!

April 13, 2021: Star-Friedman Challenge for Promising Scientific Research
Our lab was selected to receive an award from the Star-Friedman Challenge for Promising Scientific Research. Our work will use oxide MBE to develop novel quantum states at interfaces. The prize provides seed funding to interdisciplinary high-risk, high-impact projects in the life, physical, and social sciences that, because of its originality and high-risk approach, may not receive support through traditional funding channels. Thank you very much to the Star-Friedman fund for their support of our work!

April 5, 2021: Johanna wins Climate Change Solutions Fund Award
Johanna Nordlander was awarded a grant from the Harvard Climate Change Solutions Fund. Johanna's project will explore ion mobility in metastable oxide thin films for energy applications. Congratulations Johanna and thank you to Harvard for this support!

March 29, 2021: Kaylyn awarded an NSF Graduate Research fellowship!
Kaylyn was awarded a 2021 NSF Graduate Research fellowship! The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported STEM disciplines. Congratulations Kaylyn!

January 13, 2021: Welcome Maggie
Margaret Anderson has joined our group as a graduate researcher! Maggie completed her B.S. in Physics and History at Caltech. As an undergraduate, Maggie worked on a variety of imaging and materials characterization techniques applied to both condensed matter systems and medieval manuscripts. Maggie is currently a first-year graduate student in the physics department. Welcome Maggie!

January 1, 2021: Welcome Lerato
Lerato Takana has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Lerato is a junior at Harvard College and is concentrating in Physics and Mathematics. Welcome Lerato!

December 21, 2020: Kaylyn wins best poster award at MRS!
Kaylyn was awarded a best poster prize at the combined 2020 Fall/Spring Materials Research Society meeting! Kaylyn presented on "Monolayer Xene Films Synthesized by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy." Congratulations to Kaylyn for this terrific achievement!

October 15, 2020: Packard Fellowship
Julia was awarded a 2020 Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering! This award will support our work to design new quantum materials at the atomic-scale. Thank you very much to the Packard Foundation for their support of our research!

October 1, 2020: Welcome Johanna
Johanna Nordlander has joined our group as a postdoctoral fellow! Johanna has recently completed her PhD in Materials Science at ETH Zurich in the group of Manfred Fiebig where she used a combination of PLD and nonlinear optics to investigate the formation of polar states in ultrathin epitaxial oxides. She holds a M.Sc. in Engineering Nanoscience from Lund University. Johanna is the recipient of an SNSF Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowship. Welcome Johanna!

August 1, 2020: Farewell Qi
Qi completed her postdoctoral fellowship and is moving to Cornell University to continue working on oxide MBE in the group of Professor Darrell Schlom. Qi's work at Harvard used MBE to synthesize metastable nickelate thin films and ARPES to track changes in electronic structure. As our group's first postdoctoral fellow, Qi also played an integral role in helping to set up our lab and establish our group. We will miss her and wish her the very best in her new position!

June 1, 2020: Welcome Erika
Erika Ortega Ortiz has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Erika just finished her sophomore year at Harvard College and is concentrating in Chemistry and Physics. Welcome Erika!

April 2, 2020: Dan and James named NSF Graduate Fellows!
Dan and James were named 2020 NSF Graduate research fellows! The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported STEM disciplines. Congratulations Dan and James!

December 1, 2019: Welcome Kaylyn
Kaylyn Holmes has joined our group as a research scholar! Kaylyn completed her B.A. in physics at Wesleyan University where she worked in the Condensed Matter Physics group. Kaylyn also worked as part of the CERN collaboration at Harvard and is a gifted audio engineer. Welcome to the group Kaylyn!

November 23, 2019: ETH Zurich Materials Prize
Julia received the ETH Zurich Materials Prize. The biennial prize, which recognizes outstanding contributions of young investigators that advance materials, from fundamental to applied research, has been established in order to emphasize the fundamental role young researchers play in advancing materials science, spanning fundamental and applied research.

September 23, 2019: Welcome Sahar
Sahar Khashayar has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Sahar is currently a sophomore in Harvard College and is concentrating in Physics. Welcome Sahar!

September 5, 2019: Welcome Raymond
Raymond Jow has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Raymond is currently a sophomore in Harvard College and is planning to concentrate in Physics. Welcome Raymond!

September 5, 2019: Welcome Jessica
Jessica Dong has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Jessica is currently a sophomore in Harvard College and is planning to concentrate in Applied Math. Welcome Jessica!

August 28, 2019: Welcome Dan
Dan Ferenc Segedin has joined our group as a graduate researcher! Dan completed his B.A. in physics at UC Berkeley. As an undergraduate, Dan worked in the lab of Professor R. Ramesh where he stabilized novel ground states in multiferroic thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Dan is currently a first-year graduate student in the physics department. Welcome Dan!

August 28, 2019: Welcome Spencer
Spencer Doyle has joined our group as an NSF Graduate Fellow! Spencer completed his B.A. in physics at UC Berkeley. As an undergraduate, Spencer worked in the lab of Professor James Analytis where he synthesized and studied the magnetic properties of iron intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides. Spencer is currently a first-year graduate student in the physics department. Welcome Spencer!

August 28, 2019: Welcome James
James Ehrets has joined our group as a graduate researcher! James completed his B.S. in physics at UC Santa Barbara in the College of Creative Studies. As an undergraduate, James worked in the lab of Professor Andrea Young where he probed strongly-correlated physics in an ABC-stacked graphene superlattices and developed an ultra-precise digital to analog converter. James is currently a first-year graduate student in the physics department. Welcome James!

June 3, 2019: Welcome Timothy
Timothy Daniel joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Timothy just finished his sophomore year at Harvard College and is studying chemistry. Welcome to the group Timothy!

May 29, 2019: Welcome Denisse
Denisse Cordova Carrizales has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Denisse just finished her first year at Harvard College and is interested in studying physics. Welcome to the group Denisse!

June 3, 2019: EPiQS Postdoctoral Symposium
Julia co-organized the third annual "Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Postdoctoral Symposium" to be held this week in Gloucester, MA. The meeting will welcome ~50 young investigators interested in quantum materials and systems (including Qi!). We look forward to a productive workshop and very much appreciate the Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Initiative at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for their continued support of this special event!

April 11, 2019: Grace named a Soros Fellow!
Grace was named a 2019 Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow! The 2019 Class of Paul and Daisy Soros Fellows is made up of 30 outstanding immigrants and children of immigrants from all over the country and world who are pursuing graduate school here in the United States. Selected from 1,767 applicants, Grace was chosen for her potential to make significant contributions to the United States. Congratulations Grace!

April 10, 2019: IUPAP Young Scientist Award
Julia was awarded the 2019 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in the field of Magnetism. Julia was cited “for pathbreaking research on electric field control of magnetism using epitaxially designed multiferroics.” The award will be presented in at the 2021 International Conference on Magnetism, to be held in Shanghai, China.

April 5, 2019: Climate Change Solutions Fund Award
Our group was awarded a grant from the Harvard Climate Change Solutions Fund. Thank you very much to the Fund for their support of our work!

December 20, 2018: Wecome Dylan
Dylan Zhou has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Dylan is a current first-year student at Harvard College interested in concentrating in physics/computer science. Welcome to the group Dylan!

October 28, 2018: APS Valley Prize
Julia was selected as the 2019 recipient of the George E. Valley, Jr. Prize from the American Physical Society. This prize is given biennially to "recognize one individual in the early stages of his or her career for an outstanding scientific contribution to physics that is deemed to have significant potential for a dramatic impact on the field." Julia was cited "for the pico-engineering and synthesis of the first room-temperature magnetoelectric multiferroic material."
Thank you very much to the APS for their recognition and course to all of the colleagues and collaborators who were involved in this effort!

October 18, 2018: Aramont Fund Award
Julia was selected as the inaugural recipient of an award from Aramont Fund for Emerging Science Research! This award supports high-risk, high-reward scientific research at Harvard. Our project will employ a new design strategy to make topological superconductors for quantum computing. Thank you very much to the Aramont Fund for their support of our work!

October 2, 2018: Spring MRS Symposium on Oxide Quantum Materials
We are co-organizing a new symposium on Emergent Phenomena in Oxide Quantum Materials at the 2019 Spring MRS meeting. This symposium will discuss advances in theory, synthesis and characterization/measurement of these materials. We have a tremendous line-up of invited speakers. Please consider submitting an abstract (by October 31st) and joining us in Phoenix next spring.

September 26, 2018: Welcome Xaviera
Xaviera Zime has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Xaviera is a current first-year student at Harvard College interested in concentrating in physics. Welcome Xaviera!

September 21, 2018: Welcome Grant
Grant Meiners has joined our group as an undergraduate researcher! Grant is a current first-year student at Harvard College interested in concentrating in physics. Welcome to the group Grant!

August 31, 2018: Welcome Grace
Grace Pan has joined our group as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow! Grace completed her B.S. in physics at Yale University where she worked in the group of Judy Cha on understanding topological crystalline insulators and transition metal dichalcogenide devices. She also was a visiting student researcher in the group of David Goldhaber-Gordon at Stanford University. Grace was a recipient of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship for her research. Welcome Grace!

August 27, 2018: New LEEM/PEEM
Our collaborative NSF-MRI grant was funded! This award will support the acquisition of an aberration-corrected low energy electron microscope to be housed in Harvard's CNS facility. We look forward to using the high-resolution LEEM/PEEM to probe the surfaces of our MBE-grown films and very much appreciate the support of the National Science Foundation.

August 6, 2018: Welcome Qi
Dr. Qi Song has joined our group as a postdoctoral scholar! Qi recently completed her PhD in physics at Fudan University in the group of Donglai Feng during which time she was also a visiting scholar at MIT. Qi’s PhD studies used MBE and ARPES to study superconducting FeSe on oxide templates as well as to investigate electron gases at oxide interfaces. She holds a B.S. in physics from Tongji University. Welcome Qi!

August 1, 2018: Welcome Charles
Dr. Charles Brooks has joined our group as a research associate! Charles was previously a postdoctoral scholar at Cornell University in the group of Darrell Schlom where he explored how defects and interfaces could tune the properties of a number of complex oxide systems grown by MBE. He holds a B.S. in Physics and Materials Science from the University of Maryland and a PhD in Materials Science from Penn State University. Welcome Charles!

May 28, 2018: EPiQS Postdoctoral Symposium
Julia co-organized the second annual "Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Postdoctoral Symposium" to be held this week in Monterey, CA. The meeting will welcome ~50 young investigators interested in quantum materials and systems. We look forward to a productive workshop and very much appreciate the Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Initiative at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for their continued support of this special event!

March 13, 2018: Moore Fellow in Materials Synthesis
Julia was named a "Moore Fellow in Materials Synthesis." This grant will further support our efforts to design, synthesize and probe novel oxide quantum materials. Thank you very much to the Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Initiative at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for their support of our work!
Moore Foundation

December 4, 2017: Group Openings
Please see the Group page for current openings. We have openings for postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and undergraduate students.

September 27, 2017: Oxide Electronics Prize
Julia was awarded the 2017 Oxide Electronics Prize for Excellency in Research.
She was recognized for "for utilizing analytic electron microscopy to understand the connection between atomic structure and ferroelectricity in geometric ferroelectrics, using this new knowledge to engineer superior materials – in particular for creating the world’s highest temperature ferrimagnetic ferroelectric using atomically engineered ferroic layers."